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Position : Project Manager & Landscape Designer @AN Landscape Design

Landscape Design & Architecture


PIRI REIS MARITIOME UNIVERSITY provides higher maritime education and applied training in Tuzla district of Istanbul, Turkey.


The project consists 60.000 sqm covered area in eight interconnected blocks. The campus is designed with the utmost contemporary sustainability principles that resulted with the BREEAM's "EXCELLENT" certificate.

The project allocates an intense programmatic function in fragmented blocks embedded in a sloped site. The basic aim was to create open- air public spaces among blocks where students and academic staff may interact with each other through out the day. The steep slope of the terrain and the fragmented blocks are utilised to minimize the perception of the overall campus silhouette. An open-air walkway extending on the north-south direction of the site binds the six interconnected blocks over the ground. This spine defines the main circulation path of the overall campus and enables the experience of the continuous sea view within the campus.

While the architectural style of the blocks is being developed, a well-known naval terminology, "Neta" meaning "neat, safe, efficient" was projected as the design concept keyword. Since the spatial planning and operation principles of ships and dockyards are based on simplicity, plainness and efficiency, this concept was very much appropriate with the use of brutal materials and functionalist simplicity of the overall layout.

In order not to disturb the natural coastline, building blocks are located closer to the northern border of the site, leaving a spacious green area on the south. This coast area embraces a public pedestrian way that is linked with the adjacent residential district, and a pier for the seaboard training for students. The blocks parallel to the coast are allocated for educational, administration and social facilities where as the blocks vertically placed to the sea incorporate training pool, labs and classrooms.

"Sustainable life" and "energy saving" are major principles of any vessels on the sea and thus "green campus" concept is adopted from the very beginning. The campus generates 45% of its own electric energy, and excess heat energy from this electricity production is used for heating and cooling of the buildings. Fresh water is obtained by purifying seawater and grey and rainwater is used for sanitary and landscaping irrigation purposes. Perforated 100% recyclable non- mercuric corten steel plates absorb most of the ultraviolet rays and decrease the energy load for cooling. These and many other precautions on sustainability make the Piri Reis Maritime University as the first green campus of Turkey.

Year of Completion : 2014

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